Thursday, June 28, 2012

Claire's 1st Birthday!

On friday-June 22nd- we celebrated the 1st birthday of our sweet baby girl.  I can't believe it has been a whole year since she joined us.  I love her more than words could possibly describe.  She is our whole world.  She is growing so fast and has learned so much in just one year it is crazy.  Here are some pictures from her birthday photo shoot.

 We threw her a little party- she devoured her cake!  We took her to the zoo because she loves animals- goes crazy with excitement when she sees them! It is so funny!

 My attempt at a cake- not as amazing as the image in my head but it still turned out ok!
 The zoo
A few fun facts of my one year old girl:
She is a crazy fast crawler
She can walk along the furniture, pull herself up, can push a walker, and stand independently- but not walking yet- soon i'm sure
She loves other kids- just wants to play with them
She is a pretty friendly little thing
Has a silly personality- just does the funniest things
Has a few words- not just babbles- they include: ma ma, da da, and yum yum- she says it whenever she sees food or gets in her high chair.  
She can sign "more", play peek a boo, wave, clap and do patty cake, and moves her hands to itsy bitsy spider.

Happy Birthday Claire

1 comment:

Cody, Melissa, Trinitee and Austin said...

awwwwww.......she is booootiful. I want one. Where do I buy one? :) hee hee