Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Final Countdown

I feel like my pregnancy has gone really SLOW but somehow fast. I am really glad to be in my third trimester but I am not sure if I am ready for it. The baby room is far from finished and we have not bought a single baby item. I have looked at lots of stuff- strollers, clothes, binkies, blankets etc. but I keep thinking- I can wait. But now baby girl will be here before we know it.

A lot of people have been telling me to write down things about my pregnancy and to take belly pics- Truth be told, I have not wanted to do either- I have not felt "pregnant cute" and most of the things about my pregnancy are not fun. But here I go anyway:

*I was incredibly sick for the first 18 weeks- nausea and vomiting all day long- miserable
*If I could keep crackers down during that time it would be a success
*I had to take an anti-nausea medication- which did not help
* We found out we were having a baby girl at 18 weeks
* I first knew I was feeling her move around 21 weeks- at least that was when I was sure I could feel her flutters and kicks- was not quite sure before then
*At 27 weeks- she moves like crazy and sometimes makes me jump- especially when Im trying to sleep
*I have horrible acid reflux- its much worse at night. I eat TUMS like candy.
*My hands get swollen which makes wearing my wedding ring uncomfortable
*My feet hurt by the end of the day
*I get hot flashes and its still cold here
*I have not had many cravings but things I have enjoy to eat are: cottage cheese, applesauce, cheese on ritz crackers, and McDonald's vanilla ice cream cones
* I go to the bathroom at least twice in the middle of the night
*I cant turn over in bed without moaning and groaning

BUT...despite the woes pregnancy brings- I am overwhelmingly excited to meet my baby girl

And for good measure- a few belly shots...
Around 23 weeks

27 weeks...and getting bigger

1 comment:

the conleys said...

for the record, you look very pregnant cute in the photos. but so sorry to hear this has been so hard! reading all of that scares me! you're such a trooper Kell! when are you due??